Wednesday, July 8, 2020


HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION (Essay Sample) Content: Human Resource Management Name: Institution: Human Resource Management Employee motivation is one of the mandates that a human resource manager has at any organization. It is generally agreed that an employee will be induced to pursue a company's goals through the use of external factors CITATION Mar131 \l 1033 (Marchington Suter, 2013). Examples of intrinsic factors include job fulfillment and satisfaction. Alternatively, an employee can be induced to pursue these goals due to external factors. External factors include factors that have to do with rewards and punishment. One of them is employee involvement. According to Wallace et al (2013), employee engagement exists when employees acknowledge that they have the capability to make decisions and act on them. Secondly, employees should have access and ability to share information that is needed in order to make those decisions CITATION Wal13 \l 1033 (Wallace, Butts, Johnson, Stevens, Smith, 2013). A third requirement is that an employee should be in a position to continually update their knowledge a s this will enhance their effectiveness in making decisions CITATION Wal13 \l 1033 (Wallace, Butts, Johnson, Stevens, Smith, 2013). The fourth requirement is that employees should be rewarded when they make decisions that lead to more effective workplaces CITATION Wal13 \l 1033 (Wallace, Butts, Johnson, Stevens, Smith, 2013). Given these requirements, a suitable method of increasing employee involvement in the workplace is employee newsletters. Employee newsletters are argued to be an important tool that is used to enhance communication within an organization CITATION JiL12 \l 1033 (Ji, Huang, Liu, Zhu, Cai, 2012). An organization uses these newsletters to communicate vital information that affects employees. For example, these newsletters can contain information on a new pension plan that has been adopted by the company. Newsletters are also useful in letting employees know of changes that have occurred within the organization. In the modern company, employee newsletters can be availed through the internet. This occurs through emails and sharing through groups created on the employees' website. Apart from communicating to employees, newsletters can also include material written by employees. That is to mean that employees can have articles appearing on the newsletter. These articles can be about the individual employee's area of work or general information emanating from outside the company. Employees can also use the newsletter to communicate their opinion regarding their area of work. Therefore, employee newsletters become an important way through which employees engage in the workplace. It is also a way through which information flows within the company, thus spurring innovation. Another initiative through which a company can increase involvement in the workplace is by offering them training opportunities. Training leads to a build-up in knowledge among employees CITATION Wal13 \l 1033 (Wallace, Butts, Johnson, Stevens, Smith, 2013). As a result, it enhances an employee's ability to make decisions, thus better involvement in the workplace. Training can be done within the company through apprenticeship and in-house seminars. The company should provide adequate time for employees to undergo this type of ...